What is Apologetics?

The word apologetics is derived from the Greek word, apologia, which translated means (to give) “verbal defense.” It is not a military term but a judicial term. Within the context of Christianity, it means to verbally defend the true character of God. The word, apologia is used seven times in the New Testament.

It should be emphasized here, however, that the purpose of apologetics is to defend, not to prove the faith and that defense, on a personal level, ought to be done with the goal of building a relationship. 

Jesus never hesitated to respond to controversial issues or tough questions. However, he very rarely answered a question with an answer. Rather, he responded to questions with questions. In fact, of the almost 300 questions asked of Jesus, he only directly answers about five questions with an answer. Yet, most of his responses left his questioners either amazed or speechless—as he disarmed them using his critical and constructive thinking skills.

Jesus does not even give the “punch-line” away in his parables. Look closely and you will see that he asks his listeners questions concerning the “principles” hidden in the parables: “What do you think? A man had two sons . . . “Which of the two did what his father wanted?” “Which of these three was a neighbor?” “Now which of them will love him more?” . . .

Memorizing Facts
Thinking Through Facts

Content Oriented

Principle Oriented

Recollection Process

Reflective Process

Biased Viewpoint

Universal Viewpoint

Biased Assumptions

Inescapable Assumptions

The above table shows a clear distinction between “Information Centered Thinking” (fact-based) and “Principle-Centered Thinking” (principle-based). It is a paradigm shift from “what to know” to “how to know”—from “what to think” to “how to think.” This is the method used by Jesus in order to get people to go beyond the sphere of fact gathering in order to take them into the realm of true learning. This happens when they discover how to think through the facts for themselves (reflective process) by applying truth-principles (self-evident truths) to the issues being discussed.

Peter Bocchino

Get to know Peter Bocchino, the Founder and President of Legacy of Truth Ministries Inc.

Mission & Philosophy

Legacy of Truth Ministries is not the standard "platform ministry." Learn about our unique approach to apologetics.

Parachurch Ministry

Training Christians to witness to their friends and colleagues in a principle-based and culturally relevant manner.

What is Apologetics?

Defending the Christian faith, is not only a Biblical position but also an effective means for communicating the gospel.

The battlefield for spiritual and cultural warfare lies in the hearts and minds of today's young people ... tomorrow's leaders. Because of this, Christians should recognize the classroom as ground zero in the secular world's charge to eliminate all references to God from public policy.

Legacy of Truth Ministries (LTM), using academically respected First Principles, is already preparing the next generation of Christians to defend the faith and uphold godly values.

Our Ministry Distinctives


Principle-Centered Teaching

We shift the focus of learning from “what to know” to “how to know”—from “what to think” to “how to think.” We teach students to go beyond fact gathering, to learning how to think through facts (reflective process) by applying principles of truth to the issues being discussed.


Academic Tutoring

We listen and determine exactly where a student is struggling to grasp concepts and underlying principles of specific academic disciplines. The necessary resources and guidance is given to help that student know “how to think” through an issue, instead of “what to think” about that issue.


One-On-One Mentoring

Our mentoring process includes long-term commitment to investing time in young people, helping them work through doubts about their faith. We invest time and energy helping in mentees navigate life’s journey - providing advice, resources, encouragement, emotional support, and role modeling.


Personalized Ministry

While several Apologetics ministries engage with their audiences through public speaking discourses, LTM uses personalized strategies to equip people, with long-term commitments to individuals through class-room academic tutoring and one-on-one mentoring relationships.